VU Rector and his Team will focus on VU Strategic Goals!

Sukurta: 17 April 2015

VU Rector and his Team will focus on VU Strategic Goals!The team of VU Rector prof. Artūras Žukauskas is set up by now and started functioning!

Apart from the traditional Pro-rectors for Studies and Research new additional areas of competence have been introduced: Pro-rectors for Partnership and Community Affairs. Also a new position of the Chancellor has been set up.
The main goal of the new management team is to implement the Programme of the new Rector.

Pro-Rector for Research and Vice-Rector – dr. Rimantas Jankauskas, professor of Anatomy, Histology and Anthropology Department, member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. "To facilitate and support creation, accumulation and dissemination of the scientific knowledge of Vilnius University", – professor R. Jankauskas finds it as one of the major functions of the Pro-Rector for Research.

Pro-Rector for Studies – dr. Nijolė Radavičienė, Associate Professor of Philosophy. "To be short and clear – I will co-ordinate study processes, which in reality mean being in charge of the three main steps: admission of students, creation and sustainability of quality study programmes, smooth study processes", – dr. N. Radavičienė commented on her main responsibilities.

Pro-Rector for Partnership – dr. Greta Drūteikienė, professor of Management Department of the Faculty of Economics. Professor identified her main input – "which in fact corresponds entirely with one of the VU strategic goals – create significant cultural, social and economic added value in Vilnius University".

Pro-Rector for Community Affairs – dr. Birutė Švedaitė-Sakalauskė, Associate Professor of the Social Work Department of the Faculty of Philosophy. "In general terms, I will approach the task of taking care of the welfare of University community, so that Vilnius University would always be a good place to work and to study", – dr. B. Švedaitė-Sakalauskė described her main aim.

Chancellor – dr. Aleksas Pikturna, the former Pro-Rector for Administrative affairs. "Initial and the most significant task is to optimize use of administrative resources. Besides, we will have to face major infrastructural solutions", – dr. Aleksas Pikturna admitted and ended with an address to all the VU community – "working together we may move mountains..."