VU is reported as the best in Lithuania

Sukurta: 07 May 2015

VU is reported as the best in Lithuania Magazine "Reitingai"("Rankings") introduced institutional ranking of Lithuanian universities. Rankings of 2015 demonstrated that VU is the best Lithuanian university again among the state universities. 

VU received 74.3 points out of 100 possible. Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) stays in the second place with 57.3 points, while Vytautas Magnus University remains the third with 52.2 points (state university ranking).

Universities are assessed by 7 different parameters, accounting furthermore for 60 sub-criteria. 52 of them were analysed according to the data provided by various official bodies: Information Technology Centre of the Ministry of Science and Education, the Lithuanian Labour Exchange, Study Quality Evaluation Centre, Lithuanian National Union of Students and other organizations. Whereas, answers to the remaining 8 questions (sub-criteria) were submitted by the Universities directly.

Rankings were based on the following criteria: science, arts and / or sports activity and the highest achievements of academic staff (VU - 1st place), current and future academic staff (VU - 2) Alumni added value and employers' assessments (VU - 1), competing in an international study market (VU - 1), students and studies (VU - 1), studies and research environment (VU - 1), students' attitude towards their University (VU - 1).