UNICA network representatives meet in VU

Sukurta: 06 May 2015

UNICA network representatives meet in VUVilnius University holds the expert meeting of the International Relations Offices (IRO) of the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) this week.

It is attended by 49 representatives from 31 University of Europe. Participants discuss the challenges and opportunities of the international mobility of Erasmus+ program, quality management as well as linguistic aspects of internationalization.

VU Rector Prof. Artūras Žukauskas welcomed the participants assuring "that VU will accelerate its efforts in the direction of internalization". The Rector emphasized also the importance of the UNICA network, enabling universities to share experiences, establish long-term and stable relationship.

UNICA president Prof. Stavros A. Zenios noted that UNICA is a very strong network "This network is determined by the strength of the relationship between university members, it creates added value to every member, otherwise hardly we had so big membership".

UNICA network was founded 25 years ago. It brings together 46 universities of the European capitals from 35 countries.