Two Celebrities will be Awarded with the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa

Sukurta: 09 February 2016

Two Celebrities will be Awarded with the Degree of Doctor Honoris CausaVilnius University will honour two outstanding personalities – professor MICHAEL SHUR (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) and the great politician JÓN BALDVIN HANNIBALSSON (Iceland) by awarding them with a degree of Doctor Honoris Causa.

Professor Michael Shur will be awarded for the outstanding research works in the field of semiconductor physics and optoelectronics and for his longstanding close cooperation with Vilnius University.

Famous politician of Iceland, economist and diplomat Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson will be honoured by the University for his exceptional input into international consolidation of independence of Lithuania and for the close and lasting collaboration with the Vilnius University.

The celebratory meeting will take place at 15.00 on February 11, 2016 at the University Church of St. Johns’.