
The University of Granada Invites Arqus Academics of the Economics and Business Fields to Participate in Its International Week 2025

Sukurta: 16 January 2025

semana de internacionalizacion 3x2 600The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Granada (UGR) is organizing an International Week from 18 to 21 March 2025 open to all Arqus partners. International participants should apply for Erasmus + short stay grants through their universities to finance their participation in this International Week.

This event offers a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and foster synergies among institutions.

The programme features a variety of enriching activities, including:

  • Plenary sessions: Key presentations on Arqus universities’ experiences, as well as on internationalization and academic and research activities at the faculty.
  • Parallel sessions: Dedicated spaces for teaching and research networking, as well as roundtable discussions on internationalization management.
  • Student interaction: Classroom activities fostering connections between local and international students and faculty.
  • Cultural visit: The week will conclude with a guided tour of the iconic Alhambra and Generalife.

UGR’s faculty is a recognized leader within the University of Granada and internationally, thanks to its innovative approach and strong commitment to mobility and academic exchange. The International Week is an excellent opportunity to explore new collaborations while experiencing the cultural and academic richness of our city and university.

Important: Attendees are encouraged to apply for ERASMUS short-stay grants through their universities to finance their participation. No registration fee applies. The cost of the ticket to visit the Alhambra and the Generalife will be assumed by the UGR Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

If you are interested in participating, confirm your attendance using the form available on the website of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. This form will be available until 15 February 2025.

50 vacancies are available for international relations office staff and teaching and research staff.
