The Stabingis Family Donates 50,000 Euros to the Vilnius University Foundation

Sukurta: 24 September 2024

From left to right: Justinas Noreika, Kęstutis Stabingis, prof Rimvydas PetrauskasEntrepreneurs and philanthropists Kęstutis & Jelena Stabingis have donated 50,000 euros to the Vilnius University (VU) endowment fund. Both donors are VU alumni, having graduated in 1984-1985 from the then economics-related faculties (now the VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration).

"Vilnius University provided us not only with education but also a strong foundation for lifelong success. As VU alumni, we feel a responsibility to give back to our Alma Mater. By supporting Vilnius University, we can contribute to the growth of future generations, promote innovation, and create lasting change that strengthens both our community and society as a whole," say the benefactors, the Stabingis family.

The Stabingis family and their businesses fund various educational, scientific, cultural, artistic, and social projects.

After the new contribution, the value of the VU endowment fund reached 7.1 million euros, with investment management results since January 2019 amounting to 1.2 million euros. The fund has already allocated over 1.6 million euros from investment returns and targeted support for VU projects and initiatives.