The Acting Rector of the Vilnius University Addresses the Senate and the Council with the 2013 Annual Report

Sukurta: 01 April 2014

The Annual Report by the Acting Rector. Photo by Edgaras KurauskasProfessor Jūras Banys, the Acting Rector of the Vilnius University presented his 2013 Annual Report during the joint meeting of the Council and the Senate of the Vilnius University on 27 March.

The Acting Rector reflected on the essential events of 2013, with the main focus on science, education and management. The major strengths as well as weaknesses of these particular areas have been addressed.

Professor Jūras Banys expressed his appreciation of many positive factors, such as significant achievements of the scientific staff, growing numbers of the doctoral students, gradually increasing financing, development of new impressive physical infrastructure projects (construction of the Scientific Communication and Information Center and new investments at the Saulėtekio Avenue campus) and many other noteworthy issues.

Nevertheless still occurring weaknesses or threats, such as declining number of students or insufficient numbers of foreign students and also lack of technology oriented programmes have been identified so that these issues should be addressed adequately in order to avoid a negative impact on the University development in future.

The Acting Rector finalized his Annual Report by an optimistic note, reminding the audience about the positive external evaluation of the Vilnius University which was awarded by the international review team in 2013.