Registration for the Free Korean Language Assessment Test Ends in Three Days

Sukurta: 13 August 2024

53689241255 9740151956 kVilnius University (VU) is hosting the first i-Sejong Korean Assessment (iSKA) Korean language level test. The registration deadline is 16 August. Participants will also receive gifts.

The King Sejong Institute Foundation of South Korea is organizing the test. In July, VU signed a cooperation agreement with it. VU will be the only Korean language testing center in Lithuania.

The test aims to evaluate the overall language skills of test takers, including reading, listening, speaking and writing. Korean learners of different levels, ranging from beginner to intermediate, will be able to test their language skills in different situations, from daily life to business communication. Certificates confirming the level of Korean language proficiency will be distributed to those who pass. These can be useful for travel to Korea, employment, exchange programs, or university applications.

The test will be held on 7 September from 13:00-15:00 at the Information Technology Services Centre of Vilnius University, Room 108 (Saulėtekio al. 9).

It's free of charge, but spaces are limited. The registration for is HERE. For more information, visit the SKA website.