Participants from EU countries will discuss about promoting gender equality in research organizations

Sukurta: 20 November 2013

High level conference Structural Change Promoting Gender Equality in Research Organizations. E. Kurausko nuotr.On November 21–22 a high level conference Structural Change Promoting Gender Equality in Research Organizations under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council takes place in Vilnius. The conference aims to enable and enhance the dialogue and knowledge sharing between all stakeholders which are taking part in the implementation of the 2020 Strategy assuring gender equality in research: policy makers, executives from research funding agencies, academia, research institutions and scientific society, providing them with opportunities to share challenges and devise solutions towards the progress of gender equality in research.

Fast development of knowledge economies requires a revision of role and place of science in society and consequently of the science policy. Gender equality in science is a major challenge when implementing ambitious strategies towards creation of competitive economics based on scientific achievements.

More than 200 participants from European countries and beyond are expected to come together and exchange their views on structural changes for gender equality.

During the conference the resolution and follow-up recommendations to EU Council on the structural change promoting gender equality in research organizations will be presented and adopted. It will contribute to the development of roadmap for reforms to induce structural change in research institutions and for future activities in relation with Horizon 2020 and ERA.

The conference is organized by Vilnius University under the patronage of President of the Republic of Lithuania H. E. Dalia Grybauskaitė.

More information can be found on conference website