
On February 16, Vilnius University Invites to Celebrate Lithuania in the Great Yard

Sukurta: 14 February 2022

50935508336 30951d3066 kVilnius University (VU)  invites city residents and visitors to commemorate February 16 – the Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania – and participate in the festive event "Celebrate Lithuania," which will also take place in the Great Courtyard of Vilnius University.

The duel and performances of well-known VU Faculty of History prof. Alfredas Bumblauskas and VU Rector prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas will occur during the festive lesson.

Furthermore, the hosts of Laisvės TV "Tiek žinios" will present the facts about February 16, and "Millennium News" will propose an interpretation of the events of that time, in which the signatories of the Act of Independence will be embodied by Mantas Bartuševičius, Paul de Miko, Safas and others. In the open lesson, well-known performers G&G Sindikatas, Bjelle, and The Roop will also perform. The holiday lesson will also be broadcast live.

VU Rector prof. R. Petrauskas invites people to take part in festive events in the Great Yard of Vilnius University and is convinced that the commemoration of February 16 in the context of today's events is even more significant.

"February 16 symbolically unites the past with the present, combining the historical tradition of the state and its modern, democratic form. The significance of February 16 becomes even more relevant today as one begins to ask: why do we need a state? How do we separate the state from the government, and how do we meaningfully understand the connection between these categories? The new meaning of unification also emerges in the background of current geopolitical events. Therefore, it is not surprising that the university provides space for a celebration that invites you to think not in every day, but the categories of the state," says Rector of Vilnius University Prof. R. Petrauskas.

February 16 participants will also be invited to the 3-part art program "Yellow. Green. Red.". The event will be attended by 13 of the best Vilnius national art groups, dance, and song ensembles from various city cultural centers, including the VU Song and Dance Ensemble and the VU Ensemble Jaunimėlis.

The concert program includes Lithuanian folk music and dances, original works by composers and choreographers, and projections were created especially for this concert. The concerts will be streamed live.

Continuing the long-standing tradition, the dean of VU Faculty of Medicine (MF), prof. Algirdas Utkus invites the medical community to meet in the Rasų cemetery next to the Jonas Basanavičius monument at 12 p.m. and together to commemorate the Day of Restoration of the State of Lithuania. There VU Rector prof. R. Petrauskas will greet the participants and share historical memories, and Evald Masalski will present saxophone music.

The interactive lecture "Celebrate Lithuania" will start at 1 p.m. in the Great Yard of Vilnius University, Universiteto str. 3, Vilnius. Art program "Yellow. Green. Red." will be held from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Dance Theater, address T. Kosciuško str. 11, Vilnius. Participants are advised to dress warmly and protect each other by wearing face masks.