More International Students Choose Business Studies in Lithuania

Business School

Sukurta: 19 July 2024

52522754290 2ecf425e07 kLithuania is increasingly strengthening its position as an attractive country for studies. According to data from the State Data Protection Inspectorate, more and more foreign citizens come to study in Lithuania each year. Last year alone, more than a third of all students admitted to Vilnius University Business School (VU BS) were foreign citizens. The geographical diversity of the students is vast, with individuals from Ukraine, India, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan, and other countries.

"Although we do not yet have the final admission results for this year, we are already observing large flows of foreign student candidates. VU Business School recently received the prestigious ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) accreditation from the United States, which is another clear sign of international recognition and quality for those choosing where to study," said Dr. Birutė Miškinienė, Director of VU Business School.

According to Dr. B. Miškinienė, internationalisation is one of the strategic directions of VU BS, alongside entrepreneurship, innovation, and science-business collaboration. "Business today competes in a global market, so having a large number of lecturers and students from various regions allows students to get to know different cultures, improve communication skills, share ideas, and build long-term relationships with people from around the world from the very first year," said the director of VU BS. Students gain international experience not only from their peers but also from the international team of lecturers.

VU BS students emphasise the benefits: "There are plenty of meaningful discussions with students from different countries, staff, and lecturers, and I get to know new cultures. I believe that the connections made in Vilnius will remain and be beneficial in the future," noted VU BS student from Ghana Victor Ayertey.

Having completed the first year of the International Business bachelor's program, V. Ayertey positively evaluates his studies at VU Business School due to the modern study organisation, where learning is based on a modular system and the great emphasis on practical knowledge application and solving real business problems. According to V. Ayertey, the study process focuses on group work, and lecturers use many simulation tasks and hands-on learning to solve real business challenges. V. Ayertey will spend the next academic year studying through an exchange program at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science.

While studying at VU Business School, students participate in various international projects, such as the International Project Management Championship and the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP), where real business challenges are solved. They also have a unique opportunity to obtain a double degree, spending part of their study time, for example, in South Korea. By taking advantage of various study exchange programs, it is possible to study in Japan, and so on.