Mario Monti, Italian Economist and Former Prime Minister will Visit Vilnius University

Sukurta: 11 September 2014

 Mario Monti, Italian Economist and Former Prime Minister will Visit Vilnius University. Photo from his personal archiveOn September 15 (Monday), Mario Monti, the famous Italian economist, the former Prime Minister of Italy, Minister of Economy and Finance, a long-time Rector of Luigi Bocconi University in Milan will visit Vilnius University.

Initially the honourable guest will have a meeting with the professor Jūras Banys, Acting Rector of the Vilnius University. The meeting will be followed by the open lecture of Mario Monti on „Global Europe: How to Win the Battle Competitiveness" at 10.00 in the Aula Parva of the university.

Prof. Monti, the graduate of Luigi Bocconi University in economics and business, did graduate also the studies at Yale University (USA).

Mario Monti had been Professor of Economics and Rector at the Bocconi University, worked ten years as a member of the European Commission in charge of the Internal market, Financial services, Tax policy and lastly - the Competition. The outstanding economist Mario Monti fought actively in Brussels against monopolies, against other violations of the European competition law, has won cases against the US-giant „Microsoft" and „General Electric".

In his many publications prof. Monti focused mainly on the monetary and financial reform issues, the role of government in the economy, competition policy, as well as the economic and political dimensions of the European integration process.

The lecture of the famous guest is held in conjunction with the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists.