Looking for Tutors for the 9th Edition of the Arqus Café

Sukurta: 19 August 2024

arqus cafe 9th call for tutors 3x2 600Would you like to be a language tutor at the 9th edition of the Arqus Café? We are about to launch the next round of the Arqus Cafés. If you wish to participate as a tutor in any language sessions, please continue reading.

The Arqus Café is a virtual meeting place where Arqus students and staff can practice their language skills outside the classroom. It offers an excellent opportunity for language learners to enhance their abilities and cultural awareness in an informal setting with other individuals.

We are looking for volunteer tutors who wish to lead a language café in their first or native language.

As a tutor, your role is to facilitate and direct the discussion in your language, while motivating and assisting participants in their language learning. We will provide you with the necessary training, guidelines, topics and strategies to enable you to lead the sessions successfully. In many cases, we will be able to provide two tutors per language, allowing you to work together with another tutor and/or take turns leading sessions.

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and helping others to achieve their language skills, we invite you to complete this form

and become a tutor for the Arqus Café.

Please, take into account that the 9th edition of the Arqus Café will start on 23 September and will run until 6 December 2024.

The cafés will take place on a weekly basis for a duration of one hour. Selected tutors will be able to offer a session at a convenient time that fits their schedule. All languages are welcome and there will be a preparatory workshop for all tutors. Additionally, each participant will receive a certificate of participation, which will detail their contributions as a tutor.

Click here to read more about the Arqus Café or contact us at if you have any further questions.

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