Lithuania Seeks Membership in CERN

Sukurta: 07 December 2015

Lithuania Seeks Membership in CERNOn 2 December 2015, the Lithuanian Government adopted a protocol decision on Lithuania's aspiration to become the Associate Member of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Lithuania has a cooperation potential with CERN – the world's largest particle physics laboratory, housing the Large Hadron Collider – not only in physics and computer science or education, but also in industry and medicine. Apart from Lithuanian scientists and researchers, a dozen of Lithuanian students participate annually in several CERN projects and bring back home new knowledge, scientific contacts, upgraded qualifications to Lithuania.

VU has a long lasting cooperation agreement with CERN. VU research team and several companies were invited to cooperate in the development of the radiation monitoring device for the CERN proton irradiation facility and on other CERN projects. Earlier this year Artūras Žukauskas, VU Rector, discussed possibilities with CERN representatives for further cooperation development between the institutions.