Join the Arqus Hackathon Series 2024

Sukurta: 01 August 2024

53745204189 80f0bf452c kAre you ready to tackle pressing challenges and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration? Join the Arqus Hackathon Series, where creativity meets purpose. Organized by the Arqus Living Lab on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation at the University of Graz, this series welcomes all Arqus university members, including academic staff, administrative staff and students.

The Hackathon Series is designed to tackle pressing challenges facing Arqus institutions, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. Engaging with these challenges is vital for the Alliance network’s growth and impact.

We will run two hackathons

Hackathon 1: October 2024 (exact date TBC).
Hackathon 2: November 2024 (exact date TBC).

Each Hackathon will provide a set of challenges. The challenges will be defined in collaboration with the representatives of the different participating universities. Participants will get a chance to view the challenges, propose refinements or propose their challenges. Participants will choose their favorite challenge to be working with. The following challenges are proposed for the hackathons and feedback is welcomed for adaptations and additional suggestions:

Challenge 1: Basic AI Literacy for Faculty
Challenge 2: Developing Basic Online Collaboration Skills
Challenge 3: Adapting to Digital Transformation and E-learning
Challenge 4: Eco-Friendly Campus Practices
Challenge 5: Improving Student Mental Health and Well-being
Challenge 6: Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusivity
Challenge 7: Digital Tools for Administrative Efficiency
Challenge 8: Addressing Sustainable Development and Environmental Impact
Challenge 9: Sustainability in Curriculum
Challenge 10: Enhancing Societal Engagement and Relevance

Each hackathon spans over four weeks, structured as follows:

Week 1: Kick-off Event
A one-hour synchronous online event (video recorded for later viewing)
Introduction to the event, challenge selection and team formation

Weeks 2-3: Hackathon
Teams work in a virtual environment on their chosen challenge
Preparation of presentations showcasing their innovative ideas

Week 4: Closing & Awards
A one-hour synchronous online event (video recorded for later viewing)
Final solution presentations, evaluation and decision by a jury

The hackathon will be supported through Moodle as a platform to house all information and resources for participants and a virtual world that will be used for the actual time spent on working on the hackathon challenge.

How to Register

Fill out this survey by 15 September 2024, to register for the Arqus Hackathon 2024. We will contact you shortly after this date to confirm your registration and provide further details.

Hackaton information sheet.

Registration link.

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