International conference of PhD students and young researchers

Sukurta: 22 April 2013

International conference of PhD students and young researchersOn April 25 - 26 International conference of PhD students and young researchers „The Interaction of National Legal Systems: convergence or divergence?" will take place at the Faculty of Law (Sauletekio av. 9, Vilnius, Lithuania).

Nowadays, there are no doubts that social relations are more and more actively overstepping previously existed boundaries. Globalisation, development of regional markets, intensive migration, rapid technological breakthroughs and many other factors inherent to post-modern societies influence relations between states. In this context the research in interaction of national legal systems is extremely important. How the disappearance of previously existed social boundaries determines the convergence of national legal systems in private and public law? Or contrarily, are we able to identify opposite impact of divergence in particular fields of law? These and other questions important to the contemporary legal science will be subject-matter of the conference intended for PhD students and young researchers.

Target participants: PhD students and young researchers specialising in public law, private law, legal philosophy, theory and history, also researchers in other social sciences and humanities interested in the interaction of national legal systems.

Language of the Conference is English.

Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us: .
