Five Nordic and Baltic countries start collecting UBC success stories

Sukurta: 26 November 2013

Five Nordic and Baltic countries start collecting UBC success stories.On November 28 the first expert roundtable will take place in University of Latvia. Roundtable discussions will be live broadcasted, from 10:30 to 13:30. Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway and Sweden will start to identify successful university – business cooperation (UBC) case studies to drive and enhance cross sectorial partnerships among higher education institutions (HEIs) and businesses and encourage systemic cooperation in exchange of experience between HEIs in the Nordic countries and the Baltics and thus further strengthen the region's educational-business network and competiveness.

University of Latvia, Stavanger University, University of Turku, Stockholm University, Vilnius University and SMK University of Applied Social Sciences together with Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) as a member of BUSINESS NETWORK within the project "University – Business Cooperation driven by Success Stories" will identify the most important prerequisites and criteria that make UBC successful, meaningful and valuable and develop and make public the collection of various UBC case studies across 6 fields of cooperation: research and development, mobility, commercialization of ideas, curriculum development and delivery, lifelong learning and governance.

Monika Kavaliauskė, Head of Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization Office at the University of Vilnius (VU): "Vilnius University during several past years is very much intensifying its relations with business sector through: joint projects, involvement of companies into study process, joint research and development activities, services for various national and international companies, establishment of new companies based on university intellectual property and etc. Therefore, the Project is a unique opportunity for Vilnius University to share its own experience and to get more knowledge about successful universities-business partnerships from the Project partners representing Baltic states and Scandinavia."

The Project will last one year and incorporate three integral phases – (1) setting success criteria for case studies already this year, (2) first round on identification of the case studies for international Assembly next spring and (3) broader call for case studies after the Assembly to develop a collection of success stories. Analytical report and case studies will be publicly available to ensure knowledge transfer.

The Project is funded by The Nordplus Horizontal Programme: a cross-sectoral programme which supports innovative projects spanning from traditional categories and sectors to new, different, broader or more complex issues and challenges.

For more information.