Dissertations of VU young scientists are among the best ones

Sukurta: 09 September 2015

Dissertations of VU young scientists are among the best onesDuring the first fortnight of September 2015, young scientists were traditionally invited to the Lithuanian Presidential Palace to collect awards for the best dissertations of the year 2014. Five (5) winners - the best authors of their dissertations out of total top 8 turned to be representatives of our Alma Mater – Vilnius University.

Inga Leonavičiūtė, Darius Kazlauskas, Donatas Majus, Tomas Petreikis, Vytis Silius – VU young researchers – winners of the competition were highly honoured and motivated to receive awards from the President of Lithuania.
“We hope that the achievements of our young scientists will facilitate positive national as well as global changes“– the Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite expressed her high expectations of the scientific researches during the ceremony. She also noticed that young scientists go far beyond national boundaries often and hence raise awareness of our country as an advanced and forward-looking country.

Young researchers from different Lithuanian universities, such as Vilnius University, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology and others, compete annually in physics, technology, biomedical and agricultural sciences, humanities and social sciences, environmental categories.

89 dissertations were submitted for the competition this year. This initiative started 9 years ago and it is carried on regularly by the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.