Calling For Papers for the 2024 Conference on Linguistic, Educational, and Intercultural Research at Vilnius University

Sukurta: 06 September 2024

leic research 2024 3x2 600Vilnius University and the Language Teachers Association of Lithuania (LKPA) will hold its 9th International Scientific Conference on 7-8 November 2024.

The 9th edition of the International Scientific Conference on Linguistic, Educational and Intercultural Research—LEIC Research 2024—will take place this year as Vilnius University commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Foreign Languages. Vilnius University is calling for contributions from researchers, university lecturers, teachers, and educational institution representatives.

Proposals for papers, workshops, and posters will ideally focus on the main areas of the conference:

  • Linguistic Research
  • Language Teaching and Learning
  • Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning
  • Language Policy
  • Intercultural Education and Research
  • Literary Research

To promote multilingualism, the conference will be held in English, and panel sessions will be delivered in German, Russian, and Spanish.

Abstracts should consist of:

  • a summary of the presentation: capturing the key idea, the research question(s), theoretical framework, methods of research, and the tentative conclusions
  • unpublished original research
  • 3–5 keywords that describe your research
  • a maximum of 300 words, excluding keywords and references
  • the title, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), country, and email address(es) above the abstract

Detailed information and the abstract template are available here.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 September 2024.

Important dates and registration fees

Presenter’s fee: €100 | Online presenter’s fee: €50 | Non-presenter’s participation fee: €10 | Late registration fee: €120 (after 8 October 2024).

The Arqus community participants are offered a 50% discount.

Deadline for payment of conference fees: 7 October 2024.

For more information, please contact the Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University, at +370 5 2687272 or +370 5 2687266.