Arqus Opens the Second Round of Calls for Research Exchange Stays and Networking Site Visits

Sukurta: 17 July 2020

0221 12 07614These programmes are addressed to PhD students, postgraduate students, early stage researchers, senior researchers and professors of the 7 universities that form the Alliance.

Among other activities, Arqus is meant to support research stays at one of the Arqus partner universities by funding travel expenses and providing opportunities for further intensified cooperation with the host university. It is also meant to support joint doctoral training within the group of partner universities by enabling site visits and joint activities.

This call offers 2 types of stay programmes:

1. The Research Stay programme is addressed to professors, senior researchers, postdocs, doctoral candidates, and advanced master students from all faculties and fields of research, and the planned research stay has a minimum duration of two weeks and a maximum duration of three months depending on the funding category. In the context of doctoral training, this program can also be used for initiating collaboration with a doctoral co-advisor from one of the Arqus partner universities.

2. The Site Visits and Joint Activities programme is addressed to doctoral groups with a common research topic that offer a structured training programme for their doctoral candidates. Site visits/networking activities serve the purpose of initiating future joint projects (third-party funded project applications, summer schools, etc.). Joint activities are for example research seminars and workshops addressing innovative methodologies and theories. In this case, Arqus provides travel grants (incl. accommodation for a 3–5 days stay) for 3 to 5 doctoral candidates plus 1 to 2 senior researcher/s per doctoral.

These 2 initiatives belong to the Action Line 6 of the Arqus project: Research Support and Early Stage Researcher Development.

 To find out the complete information, please check:

Call for Applications Academic Year 2020/2021: Research Exchange

Call for Applications Academic Year 2020/2021: Site Visits and Joint Activities of Doctoral Groups

