Arqus universities open the call for the Alliance Seed Funding 2022-2023
Arqus researchers and academics from all research fields are invited to apply for the Arqus Seed Funding 2022–2023. The Seed Funding is an Arqus tool that aims to develop collaborations of excellence, bring out scientific poles of international level and improve the capacities of research and expertise of the Alliance members.
Namely, the Seed Funding is made available to support the organization of consortium meetings and other activities required to keep the preparation of competitive joint projects and initiatives.
The new calls for Arqus Seed Funding 2022–2023 at each university member will finance joint research actions contributing to the establishment of medium or long-term cooperation. They are aimed at supporting the emergence of new initiatives. Thus, preliminary work activities intended to apply for other research funding programmes will be supported.
For more information, please see the calls published by each university and/or contact your local Arqus officer:
- Granada: UGR researchers wishing to set up joint research initiatives with other Arqus researchers are eligible for seed funding. Priority will be given to participants in RFFs and large workshops of Arqus RI. Please contact your local Arqus RI Officer:
- Graz: will be announced soon.
- Leipzig: Announcement on the website (with a link to the call in the intranet).
- Lyon: Appels à projets - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (
- Padua: Calls for applications & Opportunities | Università di Padova (
- Vilnius: Researchers Are Invited to Apply for “Arqus” Seed Funding (
This activity is organised in the framework of the Arqus RI Workpackage 1, Building an Arqus Research Community, led by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.