WeTell Summer School: Innovating storytelling to address civic awareness in the post-digital age

Sukurta: 07 kovo 2019

WeTell Summer School

Innovating storytelling to address civic awareness in the post-digital age

Bologna, July 1st -12th 2019


WeTell aims to promote CIVIC AWARENESS among European and International students that live in a hyper-technological but unequal environment.

The 2019 edition of the School focuses on the notion of DISSENT as a LIBERTARIAN AND RESPONSIBLE PRACTICE to become active citizens, which turns us from IRONIC SPECTATORS to ACTIVE THINKERS.

The School invites students to investigate and experience a new approach to PERFORMATIVE STORYTELLING, understood as a practice to explore environmental complexity, diversity and change through trans-disciplinary workshops, events around the city, group discussions, and practical activities.

The School releases 6 CFU-ECTS.

WeTell Summer School is organized under the patronage of the UTRECHT NETWORK, of which your University is a member, in partnership with the University of Bologna and the University of Valencia and had a great outcome during the first edition.

Thanks to the support of the Utrecht Network, students can enroll at a particularly accessible fee of 800 Euros, covering all course costs, tuitions, accommodation (double room) and board for the entire period of the Summer School (2 full weeks at the University of Bologna). In addition, for students coming from Utrecht Network partner institutions, hospitality grants (250 Euros each) are available through the Utrecht Network Hospitality Fund. Information for students can be found here. Travel arrangements have to be made and paid for individually.

For pre-registrations: We invite applicants to send a motivational statement in text or video and an informal CV to by April 30th.

You may find more information at the following addresses




or address your queries to .

Best wishes,

WeTell Summer School Team