International Science Programmes and Projects
Sukurta: 18 December 2012
Horizon Europe
Horizon 2020
Project title
Project Leader (Faculty)
R. Jankauskas
(Faculty of Medicine) |
E. Kutka
J. Banys
A. Kareiva
H. Cesiulis
R. Meškys
(Life Sciences Center) |
The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures (LaserLab-Europe) | 2015–2019 | V. Sirutkaitis (Faculty of Physics) |
EUROPLANET 2020 Research Infrastrukcture (EPN2020-IR) | 2015–2019 | G. Tautvaišienė (Faculty of Physics) |
S. Gražulis
R. Vilpišauskas (Institute of International Relations and Political Science)
E. Gefenas (Faculty of Medicine)
Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training, and Academic Writing instruction in Ukraine's regions
V. Dagienė (Institute of Mathematics and Informatis)
S. Klimašauskas
A. Kareiva (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences)
H. Cesiulis, N. Tintaru
A. Ramanavičienė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences)
Department of Research and Innovations of the Vilnius Univerisity
R. Pučėtaitė, A.Novelskaitė (Kaunas Faculty)
I. Zalieskienė (Faculty of Philosophy)
L. Mažutis
S. Juršėnas (Faculty of Physics)
E. Gefenas (Faculty of Medicine)
E. Gefenas (Faculty of Medicine)
U. Orlova
(Department of Community Development of Vilnius University)
R. Krasauskas
Breakthrough Innovation Programme for a Pan-European Detection and Imaging Ecosystem 3rd Party: Development of Radiation-Hard and Cost – Effective Inorganic Scintillators for Calorimetric Detectors Based On Binary Glass Compositions Doped With Cerium (SCINTIGLASS)
G. Tamulaitis
Innovative Life Science PhD programme in South Italy (MSCA-COFUND-DP – Doctoral programmes)
L. Bukauskas (Faculty of Mathermatics and Informatics)
S. Gražulis
A. Matijošius
G. Tautvaišienė
E. Jasutė (Faculty of Philosophy)
M. Mačernis (Faculty of Physics)
P. Treigys (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics)
Central Administration of the University
V. Dagienė (Faculty of Philosophy)
A. Ūselienė (Department of Research and Innovations of Vilnius University)
G. Tamulaitis (Faculty of Physics)
A. Kučinskas
(Faculty of Physics) |
S. Juzėnas
Archive Horizon 2020 | ||
Archive Framework |
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
Novel bioaffinity binders for immunodetection of antibacterial resistance | 2020-2023 | A. Žvirblienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Establishing Liver-On-A- Chip Platform for Improved Diagnosis of Liver Function | 2021-2023 | K. Strupas (Faculty of Medicine) |
Nanosilver enhanced graphene oxide ink | 2021-2022 | E. Lastauskienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Single genome amplification of clinically relevant microorganisms using microfluidics technology | 2021-2023 | L. Mažutis (Life Sciences Center) |
Advanced technologies for innovative infertility treatment | 2021-2023 | R. Navakauskienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Lithuanian–French Programme Gilibert
Project title
Project leader / Faculty
Le rural en Europe: une interprétation différences des trajectoires dans les campagnes françaises et lituaniennes
J. Mačiulytė
(Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Propriétés électriques/diélectriques de sphères creuses de carbone et de carbones mésoporeux
J. Macutkevič
(Faculty of Physics) |
Etude des propriétés de luminescence d’oxyde à structure pérovskite en feuillets ou pyrochlore
A. Katelnikovas
(Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Protéines de type archéo-eucaryote impliqués dans la réplication de l'ADN chez les bactéries et leurs éléments génetiques mobiles: origine, diversité et répartition
Č. Venclovas
(Life Sciences Center) |
Nanomatériaux magnétiques pour applications médicales via des voies de synthèse Sol-Gel respectueuse de l’environnement
A. Kareiva
(Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Elaboration et optimisation d'électrolytes composites solides pour dispositifs électrochimiques
E. Kazakevičius
(Faculty of Physics) |
Priešuždegiminių salicilato pagrindo vaistinių molekulių struktūros ir dinamikos tyrimas matricinės izoliacijos virpesinės spektrometrijos metodais (P-LZ-19-3)
J. Čeponkus
(Faculty of Physics) |
Antiplazmodinio agento plazmodiono ir jo metabolitų flavointeraktomos charakterizavimas (P-LZ-19-10)
N. Čėnas
(Life Sciences Center) |
Nouvelles approches pour l'amarrage protéine-protéine et protéine-ligand (P-LZ-19-11)
Č. Venclovas
(Life Sciences Center) |
Gels hybrides pour applications électromagnétiques (S-LZ-21-2) | 2021-2022 | J. Macutkevič (Faculty of Physics) |
Matériaux composites pour immunocapteurs (S-LZ-21-4) | 2021-2022 | A. Ramanavičius (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Application de modèles mathématiques adaptés pour analyser l'immobilisation des protéines structurales du SRAS-CoV-2 et l'interaction avec des anticorps spécifiques (S-LZ-23-1) | 2023-2024 | I.Plikusienė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
La NADH:ubiquinone réductase-2 de Plasmodium falciparum comme cible d'agents antiplasmodiaux rédox actifs (S-LZ-23-1) | 2023-2024 | N. Čėnas (Life Sciences Center) |
Structures tridimensionnelles imprimées en 3D pour applications électromagnétiques (S-LZ-25-1) | 2025-2026 | J.Macutkevič (Faculty of Physics) |
Multilinguisme avec les langues française et lituanienne dans les familles et les écoles (S-LZ-25-2) | 2025-2026 | I.Hilbig (Faculty of Philology) |
Reconstruction de réseaux d’interaction protéiques exploitant des structures 3D biomoléculaires et la topologie des graphes (S-LZ-25-2) | 2025-2026 | J. Dapkūnas (Life Sciences Center) |
Lithuania–Ukraine programme
Project title
Project leader / Faculty
Музей как пространство полилога доминирующих и альтернативных нарративов: от теории к практике (P-LU-18- 66)
R. Šermukšnytė (Faculty of History)
Нанорозмірні гібридні люмінесцентні матеріали на основі функціоналізованих кремнеземних мікросфер з вбудованими комплексами РЗЕ (P-LU-18- 36)
A. Beganskienė
(Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Применение гибридных наноструктур Tio2 и ZnO, модифицированных биомолекулами, в оптоэлектронных сенсорах
(P-LU-18- 53)
A. Ramanavičius
(Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Фотоннокристаллический микрочиповый лазер высокой яркости (P-LU-18- 51)
M. Peckus
(Faculty of Physics) |
Разработка биосенсоров и биотопливных элементов на основе оксидоредуктаз (S-LU-20-11) | 2020-2021 | A. Kaušaitė-Minkštimienė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Усиление альтернативного разрешения споров в Литве и Украине: трансграничное решение (S-LU-20-6) | 2020-2021 | V. Nekrošius (Faculty of Law) |
Lithuania–Belarus programme
Project title
Project leader / Faculty
Silicon-germanium Novel Alloys for Creation of Radiation-Hard Semiconductor Devices (P-LB-19-7)
T. Čeponis
Новые наноструктурные каталитические материалы на основе ферритов (P-LB-19-12)
A. Kareiva (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences)
Структурные и электромагнитные характеристики металл-оксидных полупроводников иСтруктурные и электромагнитные характеристики металл-оксидных полупроводников идиэлектриков (P- LB-19-24)
J. Banys (Faculty of Physics)
Структурно-физические превращения в многокомпонентных полимерных материалах сСтруктурно-физические превращения в многокомпонентных полимерных материалах срегулируемыми электромагнитными и теплофизическими характеристиками,модифицированных наноразмерными частицами. (P- LB-19-27)
J. Macutkevič (Faculty of Physics)
Archive | 2011–2017 |
Lithuania–Latvia–Taiwan programme
Project title |
Project leader / Faculty
Understanding Prion Peptide Fibril-Induced Aggregation of Prion Protein
V. Smirnovas
(Life Sciences Center) |
Studying of Human Parvovirus B19, Bocavirus and Parvovirus 4 Involvement in Inflammatory Neurological Diseases Using Interdisciplinary Approach
R. Petraitytė-Burneikienė
(Life Sciences Center) |
Nanoarchitectonics of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Design, Dielectric Properties, and Organic Catalysis
R. Grigalaitis
(Faculty of Physics) |
GeSn Based Photo Sensor – From Basic Research to Applications (P-LLT-18-6)
P. Ščajev
(Faculty of Physics) |
School-aged Children's Internet Use in Relation to Socioemotional Development and Parenting Practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study
R. Jusienė
(Faculty of Philosophy) |
Brain-Computer Music Interfacing for Embodied Musical Interaction (P-LLT-19-12) | 2019–2021 | I. Griškova-Bulanova (Life Sciences Center) |
Development of Lead Inhibitor of Carbonic Anhydrase IX as Anticancer Drug (S-LLT-20-2) | 2020-2021 | D. Matulis (Life Sciences Center) |
Investigation and optimization of cutting-edge lead-free PMUT platform: from materials to devices (S-LLT-20-4) | 2020-2022 | Š. Svirskas (Faculty of Physics) |
Environmentally friendly synthesis of metal-organic frameworks for enzyme encapsulation and energy harvesting (S-LLT-21-2) | 2021-2023 | M. Kinka (Faculty of Physics) |
Flow-through system based immunoanalytical devices for the diagnosis of viral-infections (S-LLT-21-3) | 2021-2023 | A. Ramanavičius (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Factors and Actors Contributing to the Willingness to Defend One’s Own Country: the Case of Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan (S-LLT-22-1) | 2022-2024 | A. Ramonaitė (Institute of International Relations and Political Science) |
Coherent Optical Control of Atomic Systems (S-LLT-22-2) | 2022-2024 | G. Juzeliūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Molecular Electronics in functionalized Purines: fundamental Study and applications (MEPS) (S-LLT-22-3) | 2022-2024 | S. Juršėnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Exploring Early Events in the Cold Denatured Apoptotic Bid Protein Using Sensitivity-Enhanced EPR and NMR (S-LLT-23-1) | 2023-2025 | V. Kalendra (Faculty of Physics) |
Structure determination of transthyretin amyloid fibrils | 2024-2026 | V. Smirnovas (Life Sciences Center) |
Bio-based polymer nanophotonics for sensors, S-LLT-25-1 | 2025-2027 | R. Makuška (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Archive |
Lithuania–Taiwan programme
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
Single-strand DNA templates Accelerate Gene Editing in mammalian cells (SAGE), S-LT-TW-24-13 | 2024-2026 | J. Lee Arias Fuenzalida (Life Sciences Center) |
Gene editing to reverse aceruloplasminemia phenotype in mouse and hiPSC models, S-LT-TW-24-15 | 2024-2026 | U. Neniškytė (Life Sciences Center) |
Identifying and overcoming unfavorable edit and repair dynamics for primary immune cell engineering, S-LT-TW-24-12 | 2024-2026 | S. Knox Jones Jr (Life Sciences Center) |
Development of genome editing tools for macrophage assessment and manipulation during zebrafish heart regeneration, S-LT-TW-24-14 | 2024-2026 | D. Balčiūnas (Life Sciences Center) |
Terawatt-Level Postcompressed 2μm Single-Cycle Pulses at kHz Repetition Rate, S-LT-TW-24-7 | 2024-2026 | R. Budriūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Polish-Lithuanian programme
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
Long-Distance Electrical Signaling Systems in Plants – Adaptation to the Change From Water to Terrestrial Environment (P-LL-18-47)
2018–2021 | V. Kisnierienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Ichnological and Sedimentological Evidence of Late Glacial and Holocene Environmental Changes in the Eastern Part of the European Sand Belt (P-LL-18-59) | 2018–2021 | A. Spiridonov (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Genomics Insights Into the Mechanizms of Drug Resistance, Virulence and Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains from Lithuania and Poland (P-LL-18-103) | 2018–2021 | P. Stakėnas (Life Sciences Center) |
Constitutional Consciousness as a Remedium for the Crisis of Discourse and Democratic Deficit in the European Union (P-LL-18-103)
2019–2021 |
S. Žalimienė (Faculty of Law) |
CRISPR Tools for the Study of Embryonic Development in Zebrafish (P-LL-18-173)
2018–2021 | G. Tamulaitis (Life Sciences Center) |
Polish–Lithuanian Black Hole Hunt (P-LL-18-184)
2019–2021 | M. Maskoliūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Product and Labour Market Reforms and Economic Activity in the EU Countries (P-LL-18-246)
2018–2021 |
P. Lastauskas |
Flexibility in Industrial Relations and Labor Market Inequality (P-LL-18-256) | 2019–2021 |
R. Lazutka (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) |
Factors Modifying the Responses of Cyber Bystanders. A Polish-Lithuanian Research (S-LL-21-1) | 2021–2024 | V. Pakalniškienė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Mobility, migration and the COVID-19 epidemic: governing emergencies in Lithuania and Poland (S-LL-21-11) | 2021-2024 | D.Jakniūnaitė (Institute of International Relations and Political Science) |
Spin-orbit coupling for the generation of non-trivial quantum correlations in ultra-cold atomic systems (S-LL-21-3) | 2021-2024 | G. Juzeliūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Genetic Background of Overgrowth Syndromes in Polish and Lithuanian Populations: Basis for Rapid Genetic Testing to Prevent Neoplasias (S-LL-21-5) | 2021-2024 | A. Utkus (Faculty of Medicine) |
Alternatives to Deprivation of Liberty in Post-Soviet Countries (S-LL-21-6) | 2021-2024 | G. Švedas (Faculty of Law) |
Remembering (De)industrialisation: Moral Emotions in the Memory of Post-Socialist Transformation in Lithuania and Poland (MEPOST (2024/52/L/HS2/00283) | 2025-2027 | J. Ulinskaitė (Institute of International Relations and Political Science) |
A novel evaluation framework for selecting the best solar farm locations: A case study of Lithuania and Poland (2024/52/L/HS4/00052) | 2025-2027 | D. Štreimikienė (Kaunas Faculty) |
Love Across Borders: Unveiling Cultural Dynamics of Love Over 100 Countries Worldwide (2024/52/L/HS6/00066) | 2025-2027 | V. de Munck (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Novel effectors and terminators of CRISPR-Cas antiviral signaling (2024/52/L/NZ1/00249) | 2025-2027 | G. Tamulaitis (Life Sciences Center) |
Early Intervention with mTOR Inhibitors for Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Unveiling Developmental Window (2024/52/L/NZ4/00298) | 2025-2027 | U. Neniškytė (Life Sciences Center) |
Polish-Lithuanian Black Hole Hunt - harvest time (2024/52/L/ST9/00210) | 2025-2027 | E. Stonkutė (Faculty of Physics) |
The history of C, N, and O in the Galaxy (2024/52/L/ST9/00220) | 2025-2027 | Š. Mikolaitis (Faculty of Physics) |
Advanced MXene-based Nanocomposites: Multiplex and Multimodal Biosensing Platforms for Health and Environmental Applications (2024/52/L/ST11/00040) | 2025-2027 | A. Ramanavičienė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Lithuanian–Japan programme
Project Title | Duration | Project Leader (Faculty) |
Fabrication of Low Crystalline Calcium Phosphate and Its Initial in vivo Evaluation for Artificial Bone Substitutes With Higher Osteoconductivity
A. Kareiva
Towards Organic Laser Transistor
S. Juršėnas
Theoretical Studies of Structure and Properties of Heavy Elements Toward Identification of Gravitation Wave Sources (P-LJB-18-1)
G. Gaigalas
Technologies in Social Care: Considering Future Directions for Social Work Professionals in Japan and Lithuania (P-LJB-18-8)
E. Šumskienė
Individual gamma frequency-based neurofeedback: development and implementation study (S-LJB-20-1) | 2020-2022 | I. Griškova-Bulanova (Life Sciences Center) |
Stress and resilience among adolescents and young adults: Cross-cultural study (S-LJB-20-2) | 2020-2022 | E. Kazlauskas (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Development of GaN optical microresonators with polarity inversion (S-LJB-21-1) | 2021-2023 | R. Tomašiūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
New calcium phosphates with whitlockite structure for regenerative medicine purposes: advanced synthesis and fabrication of ceramics | 2022-2024 | A. Žarkov (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
An investigation of kilonova ejecta in neutron star merger ( P-LJB-23-1) | 2023-2025 | G. Gaigalas (Faculty of Physics) |
Discovery of novel regulatory proteins via selective covalent tagging of CpG islands in mammalian cells (P-LJB-23-11) | 2023-2025 | S. Klimašauskas (Life Sciences Center) |
Quantum dynamics of interacting ultracold atoms in complex sub-wavelength potentials (P-LJB-24-11) | 2024-2026 | G. Juzeliūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Exploring the possibilities for promotion of evidence-based social policies on ageing, family, social inclusion, and poverty in Japan and Lithuania | 2024-2025 | J. Navickė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
VU Project Partner
Research on prediction of environmental change in the Baltic Sea based
G. Gasiūnas
Baltic Research Programme
Project Title | Duration | Project leader (Faculty) |
Academic Writing in the Baltic States: Rhetorical Structures through culture(s) and languages (EMP475) | 2020-2024 | J. Šinkūnienė (Faculty of Philology) |
Novel high-performance polymers from lignocellulosic feedstock (EMP426) |
2020-2024 |
I. Matijošytė (Life Sciences Center) |
Advancing human performance in cybersecurity (S-BMT-21-6) | 2021-2023 | A. Brilingaitė (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
Micro-level responses to socio-economic challenges in face of global uncertainties (S-BMT-21-8) | 2021-2023 | P. Lastauskas (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) |
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Project Title |
Duration | Project leader (Faculty) |
Archaeological Practices and Knowledge Work in the Digital Environment (Grant Holder)
R. Laužikas
Advancing Effective Institutional Models Towards Cohesive Teaching, Learning, Research and Writing Development (CA15221)
J. Šinkūnienė (Faculty of Philology),
L. Skurvydienė
European Network for Cost Containment and Improved Quality of Health Care (CA15222)
D. Krikščiūnienė (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities),
V. Sakalauskas (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities)
Fractional-Order Systems: Analysis, Synthesis and Their Importance for Future Design (CA15225) | 2016–2020 |
G. Tamulevičius (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics), |
European Network on Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People with Mental Disorders (CA16102)
Personalized Nutrition in Aging Society: Redox Control of Major Age-Related Diseases (CA16112)
V. Smirnovas (Life Sciences Center),
L. Baranauskienė (Life Sciences Center)
Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos (CA16117)
In vitro 3-D total Cell Guidance and Fitness (CA16119)
D. Baltriukienė (Life Sciences Center),
V. Bukelskienė (Life Sciences Center)
Unraveling New Physics at the LHC Through the Precision Frontier (CA16201) | 2017–2021 |
A. Juodagalvis (Faculty of Physics), |
Distant Reading for European Literary History (CA16204)
European Network for Problematic Usage of the Internet (CA16207)
I. Griškova-Bulanova (Life Sciences Center),
I. Laurinaitytė (Faculty of Philosophy)
Natural Flood Retention on Private Land (CA16209)
G. Stankūnavičius (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences),
G.Valiuškevičius (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent (CA16213) | 2017–2021 | V. Vaitkevičius (Faculty of Communication), I. Kelpšienė (Faculty of Communication) |
European Network for High Performance Integrated Microwave Photonics (CA16220) | 2017–2021 | R. Tomašiūnas (Faculty of Physics), T. Grinys (Faculty of Physics) |
Quantum Technologies with Ultra-Cold Atoms (CA16221)
G. Juzeliūnas (Faculty of Physics),
E. Anisimovas (Faculty of Physics)
Leukemia Gene Discovery by data sharing, mining and collaboration (CA16223) | 2017–2021 | G. Vaitkevičienė (Faculty of Medicine), V. Dirsė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems: Evaluations of Large-Scale Monitoring Data (CA16235) | 2017–2021 | V. Kažukauskas (Faculty of Physics), M. Pranaitis (Center for Physical Sciences and Technology) |
International Network for Translating Research on Perinatal Derivatives into Therapeutic Approaches (CA17116) | 2018–2022 |
R. Navakauskienė (Life Sciences Center), |
EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities: Perceptions, Contestation, Communication and Relations (CA17119) | 2018–2022 |
D. Jakniūnaitė (Institute of International Relations and Political Science), |
Understanding and Modeling Compound Climate and Weather Events (CA17109) | 2018–2022 | E. Stonevičius (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences), E. Rimkus (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities: Perceptions, Contestation, Communication and Relations (CA17119) | 2018–2022 | D. Jakniūnaitė (Institute of International Relations and Political Science), R. Vilpišauskas (Institute of International Relations and Political Science) |
Towards Understanding and Modelling Intense Electronic Excitation (CA17126) | 2018–2022 | G. Tamulaitis (Faculty of Physics), R. Aleksiejūnas (Faculty of Physics) |
Enhancing Psychiatric Genetic Counselling, Testing, and Training in Europe (CA17130) | 2018–2022 | A. Utkus (Faculty of Medicine), A. Navickas (Faculty of Medicine) |
Revealing the Milky Way with Gaia (CA18104) | 2018–2022 | Š. Mikolaitis (Faculty of Physics), G. Tautvaišienė (Faculty of Physics) |
The Neural Architecture of Consciousness (CA18106) | 2018–2022 | I. Griškova-Bulanova (Life Sciences Center), E. Pipinis (Life Sciences Center) |
Implementation Research Network in Stroke Care Quality – IRENE (CA18118) | 2018–2022 | A. Vilionskis (Faculty of Medicine), R. Masiliūnas (Faculty of Medicine) |
Cultures of Victimology: Understanding Processes of Victimization Across Europe (CA18121) | 2018–2022 | A. Čepas (Faculty of Philosophy), I. Laurinaitytė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
European Sexual Medicine Network (CA18124) | 2018–2022 | R. Adomaitis (Faculty of Medicine), N. Fatkulina (Faculty of Medicine) |
Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age (CA18128) | 2018–2022 | R. Laužikas (Faculty of Communication), I. Kelpšienė (Faculty of Communication) |
Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies (CA18131) | 2018–2022 | J. Gordevičius (Life Sciences Center), V. Marcinkevičius (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
European Middle Class Mass Housing (CA18137) | 2018–2022 | M. Drėmaitė (Faculty of History), V. Janušauskaitė (Faculty of History) |
Network for Equilibria and Chemical Thermodynamics Advanced Research (CA18202) | 2019–2023 | U. Samukaitė-Bubnienė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences), A. Ramanavičienė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
Molecular Dynamics in the GAS Phase (CA18212) | 2019–2023 | J. Tamulenė, Š. Masys (Faculty of Physics) |
Rural NEET Youth Network: Modelling the Risks Underlying Rural NEETs Social Exclusion (CA18213) | 2019–2023 | R. Brazienė (Faculty of Philosophy), D. Skučienė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Network for Research in Vascular Ageing (CA18216) | 2019–2023 | A. Laucevičius (Faculty of Medicine), A. Laučytė-Cibulskienė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations (CA18230) | 2019–2023 | A. Šuminas (Faculty of Communication), A. Gudinavičius (Faculty of Communication) |
Multi3Generation: Multi-Task, Multilingual, Multi-Modal Language Generation (CA18231) | 2019–2023 | G. Korvel (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics), G. Navickas (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
Multi-Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change (CA18236) | 2019–2023 | E. Macevičiūtė (Faculty of Communication), Z. Manžuch (Faculty of Communication) |
European Transdisciplinary Networking Platform for Marine Biotechnology (CA18238) | 2019–2023 | I. Matijošytė (Life Sciences Center), R. Šiekštelė (Life Sciences Center) |
Language in the Human-Machine Era (CA19102) | 2020–2024 | B. Ryvitytė (Faculty of Philology), K. Geben (Faculty of Philology) |
LGBTI+ Social and Economical (In)Equalities (CA19103) | 2020–2024 | L. Šumskaitė (Faculty of Philosophy), E. Kačkutė-Hagan (Faculty of Philology) |
Multi-Sectoral Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe: Incidence andTrends (CA19106) | 2020–2024 | E. Kazlauskas, I. Daniūnaitė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
European Network for Mediterranean Cyclones in Weather and Climate (CA19109) | 2020–2024 | G. Stankūnavičius (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences), E. Rimkus (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
European Network on Future Generation Optical Wireless Communication Technologies (CA19111) | 2020–2024 | P. Vitta (Faculty of Physics), A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė (Faculty of Physics) |
Researcher Mental Health (CA19117) | 2020–2024 | A. Novelskaitė (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities), R. Pučėtaitė (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities) |
High-Performance Carbon-Based Composites With Smart Properties for Advanced Sensing Applications (CA19118) | 2020–2024 | J. Macutkevič (Faculty of Physics), A.Plyushch (Faculty of Physics) |
Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels in the Iberian Cultural Area (CA19119) | 2020–2024 | A. Gudinavičius (Faculty of Communication), A. Šuminas (Faculty of Communication) |
European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (CA19122) | 2020–2024 | V. Dagienė (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics), A. Juškevičienė (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance – Towards a Transparent Financial Industry (CA19130) | 2020–2024 | D. Teresienė (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration), R. Kanapickienė (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) |
European Network to Advance Best Practices & Technology on Medication Adherence (CA19132) | 2020–2024 | J. Gulbinovič (Faculty of Medicine), I. Trečiokienė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Leading Platform for European Citizens, Industries, Academia and Policymakers in Media Accessibility (CA19142) | 2020–2024 | L. Huber (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities), J. Astrauskienė (Kaunas Faculty of Humanities) |
Global Digital Human Rights Network (CA19143) | 2020–2024 | V. Milašiūtė (Faculty of Law), S. Žalimienė (Faculty of Law) |
European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy (CA20116) | 2021-2025 | P. Ščajev (Faculty of Physics), T.Malinauskas (Faculty of Physics) |
Making Early Career Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality (CA20137) | 2021-2025 | D. Šatkovskienė (Faculty of Physics), S. Pralgauskaitė (Faculty of Physics) |
Intelligence-Enabling Radio Communications for Seamless Inclusive Interactions (CA20120) | 2021-2025 | R. Aleksiejūnas (Faculty of Physics), V. Jonkus (Faculty of Physics) |
EUROPEAN NETWORK ON INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MOBILITY: CONNECTING RESEARCH AND PRACTICE (CA20115) | 2021-2025 | I. Budginaitė-Mačkinė (Faculty of Philosophy), D. Valančiūnas (Faculty of Philosophy) |
A sound proteome for a sound body: targeting proteolysis for proteome remodeling (CA20113) | 2021-2025 | V. Borutinskaitė (Life Sciences Center), B. Vaigauskaitė (Life Sciences Center) |
CONFINED MOLECULAR SYSTEMS: FROM A NEW GENERATION OF MATERIALS TO THE STARS (CA21101) | 2022-2026 | K. Aidas (Faculty of Physics), V. Klimavičius (Faculty of Physics) |
Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience (CA21166) | 2022-2026 | A. Gudinavičius (Faculty of Communication), A. Šuminas (Faculty of Communication) |
A new ecosystem of early music studies (CA21161) | 2022-2026 | A. Pister-Gainienė (Faculty of History), L. Jovaiša (Faculty of History) |
Non-globular proteins in the era of Machine Learning (CA21160) | 2022-2026 | V. Smirnovas (Life Sciences Center), D. Šulskis (Life Sciences Center) |
Understanding interaction light - biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices (CA21159) | 2022-2026 | V. Kažukauskas (Faculty of Physics) M. Pranaitis |
Translational control in Cancer European Network (CA21154) | 2022-2026 | A. Kanopka (Life Sciences Center), I. Pečiulienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe (CA21143) | 2022-2026 | I.Budginaitė-Mačkinė (Faculty of Philosophy), I. E. Juozeliūnienė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Grassroots of Digital Europe: from Historic to Contemporary Cultures of Creative Computing (CA21141) | 2022-2026 | M. Šupa (Faculty of Philosophy), D. Jakniūnaitė (Institute of International Relations and Political Science) |
3Rs concepts to improve the quality of biomedical science (CA21139) | 2022-2026 | D. Baltriukienė (Life Sciences Center), A. Burokas (Life Sciences Center) |
Globalization, Illicit Trade, Sustainability and Securit (CA21133) | 2022-2026 | G. Švedas (Faculty of Law), A. Vosyliūtė (Faculty of Law) |
Genome Editing to Treat Humans Diseases (CA21113) | 2022-2026 | V. V. Borutinskaitė (Life Sciences Center), D. Žukauskaitė (Life Sciences Center) |
One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond (CA21111) | 2022-2026 | N.Čėnas (Life Sciences Center), J. Šarlauskas (Life Sciences Center) |
Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment (CA21103) | 2022-2026 | V. Kažukauskas (Faculty of Physics), V. Čyras (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
EUropean network to tackle METAbolic alterations in HEART failure (CA22169) | 2023-2027 | J. Čelutkienė (Faculty of Medicine), A. Laucevičius (Faculty of Medicine) |
Data-driven Applications towards the Engineering of functional Materials: an Open Network (CA22154) | 2023-2027 | S. Gražulis (Life Sciences Center), A. Merkys (Life Sciences Center) |
European Curvature and Biology Network (CA22153) | 2023-2027 | M. Jankunec (Life Sciences Center), E. Šimoliūnas (Life Sciences Center) |
Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network (CA22137) | 2023-2027 | A. Lančinskas (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics), J. Žilinskas (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
The birth of solar systems (CA22133) | 2023-2027 | G. Tautvaišienė (Faculty of Physics), E. Pakštienė (Faculty of Physics) |
Supramolecular LUminescent Chemosensors for Environmental Security (CA22131) | 2023-2027 | E. Orentas (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences), I. Žutautė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
European Network On Lexical Innovation (CA22126) | 2023-2027 | V. Kazlauskienė (Faculty of Philology), R. Juknevičienė (Faculty of Philology) |
The Great Leap. Multidisciplinary approaches to health inequalities, 1800-2022 (CA22116) | 2023-2027 | A. Žalnora (Faculty of Medicine), V. Šimkutė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics (CA22113) | 2023-2027 | V. Regelskis (Faculty of Physics), V. Mulevičius (Faculty of Physics) |
Bringing Experiment and Simulation Together in Crystal Structure Prediction (CA22107) | 2023-2027 | V. Petrauskas (Life Sciences Center), D. Matulis (Life Sciences Center) |
Linking euroscepticism and populism: causes and consequences (CA23102) | 2024-2028 | R. Matkevičienė, G. Vaičekauskienė (Faculty of Communication) |
Language Plurality in Europe’s Changing Media Sphere (CA23105) | 2024-2028 | G. Plepytė-Davidavičienė, R. Kupetytė (Faculty of Communication) |
International networking on in vitro colon models simulating gut microbiota mediated interactions (CA23110) | 2024-2028 | T. Poškus, I. Stundienė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Searching for Nanostructured or pOre fOrming Peptides for therapY (CA23111) | 2024-2028 | R. Budvytytė, M. Jankunec (Life Sciences Center) |
Critical perspectives on career and career guidance (CA23112) | 2024-2028 | J. Šinkūnienė, G. Maslauskienė (Faculty of Philology) |
Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe (CA23113) | 2024-2028 | N. Grigutytė, D. Šorytė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Relativistic Quantum Information (CA23115) | 2024-2028 | G. Juzeliūnas, E. Anisimovas (Faculty of Physics) |
Open Palaeoecological Data - analysing the past building foresight (CA23116) | 2024-2028 | L. Gedminienė, G. Vaikutienė (Šiauliai Academy) |
SENESCENCE2030: Targeting Cell Senescence to Prevent Age-Related Diseases (CA23119) | 2024-2028 | A. Jankauskienė, K. Ažukaitis (Faculty of Medicine) |
Social, biological and climatic impacts of salt ages (CA23124) | 2024-2028 | A. Spiridonov, S. Rinkevičiūtė (Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences) |
AlertHub: Warning Communication Knowledge Network (CA23126) | 2024-2028 | R. Matkevičienė, R.Kupetytė (Faculty of Communication) |
Topological textures in condensed matter (CA23134) | 2024-2028 | G. Juzeliūnas, E. Anisimovas (Faculty of Physics) |
Managing Artificial Intelligence in Archaeology (CA23141) | 2024-2028 | R. Laužikas, K. Dallas (Faculty of Communication) |
Developing Knowledge involved in diagnosis and control of human-diseases related to Pneumocystis (CA23142) | 2024-2028 | R. Matulionytė, E. Matulytė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Europe's Representations of India: Texts, Images, and Encounters (CA23144) | 2024-2028 | A. Beinorius, D. Valančiūnas (Faculty of Philosophy) |
European vascular liver diseases network (CA23146) | 2024-2028 | I. Stundienė, L. Mašalaitė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Digital Mental Health for Young People (CA23153) | 2024-2028 | A. Adler, M. Giedraitytė-Guzikauskienė (Faculty of Philosophy) |
EuroArtisticpean Network for Multiple View Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (CA23157) | 2024-2028 | Ž. Židonis, J. Butkevičienė (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration) |
Artistic Intelligence - Responsiveness, accessibility, responsibility, equity (CA23158) | 2024-2028 | M. Petrikas, R. Laužikas (Faculty of Communication) |
Archive |
European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
Unveiling the role of glutamate in dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome (URGENT), EJPRD19-220 | 2020-2023 | J. Razumienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Genetic therapy for EYS- and USH2Aassociated retinal dystrophy (GET-READY), EJPRD20-231 | 2021-2024 | V. Šikšnys (Life Sciences Center) |
Biomarkers and outcome PREdictors of paediatriC nephrotIc syndrome: a genetic, transcriptomic and SEcretome multiomics study | 2024-2027 | A. Jankauskienė (Faculty of Medicine) |
EuroNanoMed3 - European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
A liquid corneal glue-filler as an alternative to transplantation in high-risk patient (LIQD-CORNEA) |
2019–2022 |
V. Bukelskienė (Life Sciences Center) |
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
Sustainable working-life for ageing populations in the Nordic-Baltic region | 2023-2026 | A. Kairys (Faculty of Philosophy) |
Project title | Duration | Project leader / Faculty |
Luminescent tagging of documents and the method of their mobile detection based on Hyperspectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence (LumAl) | 2023-2025 | P. Vitta (Faculty of Physics) |
Customised DNA-based nanocarriers to boost heart healing (DNABEATS) | 2023-2026 | M. Valius (Life Sciences Center) |
Other International Programmes and Projects
Project title
Project leader / Faculty
Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms 2 (CREA2), JUST-2021-EJUSTICE | 2022-2024 | R. Simaitis (Faculty of Law) |
Transforming data reuse in ARCHaeology (TEtrARCHs), CHANSE-163 | 2022-2024 |
R. Laužikas
Implementation of programmatic management of latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected people inImplementation of programmatic management of latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected people inLithuania (WEEPI) | 2023-2026 | R. Matulionytė (Faculty of Medicine) |
Micro-capsules for versatile multiplexed cytometry (National Institutes of Health (NIH)) | 2023-2026 | L. Mažutis (Life Sciences Center) |
Protecting working conditions in the platform economy: Moldovian-Lithuanian social dialogue (JWCPW) | 2023-2025 | T. Davulis (Faculty of Law) |
EDIH VILNIUS: accelerating green and digital transformation in Vilnius region (EDIH VILNIUS) | 2023-2025 | J. Šulskus (Faculty of Physics), since 2024-06 R.Paulavičius (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics) |
National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC Phase 2 (EuroCC 2) | 2023-2025 | M.Mačernis (Faculty of Physics) |
Neurobiological mechanisms of the environment-plasticity-behavior interaction (partner) (EnviroMood) | 2024-2027 | U. Neniškytė (Life Sciences Center) |
Digitalising European Uncontested Claims Enforcement (DEUCE) | 2024-2026 | R. Simaitis (Faculty of Law) |
Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms (CREA3) | 2024-2026 | R. Simaitis (Faculty of Law) |
I-tools to Design and Enhance Access to justice (IDEA) | 2024-2026 | R. Simaitis (Faculty of Law) |
Joint Action addressing DEmentia and HEALTH (JADE Health) | 2024-2026 | Faculty of Medicine |
Twenty years of cultural enrichment in reunified Europe (CAMINO) | 2024-2025 | S. Adomaitienė (Faculty of Philology) |
Archive |