FiDi 57
April 10 | 10 a.m. | Vilnius University Library Yard
FiDi, or Physicist's Day, is a community celebration organised by the students of the Faculty of Physics, taking place for the 57th year in a row, and bringing together science, art, and culture, as well as encouraging self-expression among the youth.
Just like every year, we invite you to attend all three parts of the celebration: during the day, the amusement park 'Fizlendas' will be located near the Faculty of Physics in Saulėtekis, where we will be welcoming visitors from 10:00. Later, the city streets will be filled with a festive procession from the Faculty of Physics to the Faculty of Philology, accompanied by the legendary Dinas Zauras and hundreds of students. The procession will start at 15:00. Finally, in the evening, the Physicist's Day celebrations will reach culmination in a spectacular concert, featuring various artistic and physics installations, whereas the most daring will be able to get tattoos and piercings. Doors open at 19:00.
For the full FiDi programme, see here.