Exposition of Martynas Mažvydas’ “Catechism”

Exposition of Martynas Mažvydas’ “Catechism”

April 1 | 10 a. m. - 7 p. m. | VU Library, P. Smuglevičius Hall

On 1 April, Martynas Mažvydas’ 'Catechism', the first printed Lithuanian book, will be on display in P. Smuglevičius Hall of VU Library. The tradition of showing the original copy of the book every year for a day gives a perfect opportunity for the general public to get a closer look at this significant piece of our cultural heritage.
Published in 1547 in Königsberg, Mažvydas’ 'Catechism' is the first printed Lithuanian book, the publishing of which started a new period in the history of the Lithuanian language. Only two copies of this unique book are known to exist in the world. One copy is kept at Vilnius University Library, while the other is at Toruń University Library (Poland).
Location: VU Library, P. Smuglevičius Hall (Universiteto g. 3, 1st floor)
Date and time: 1 April, from 10:00 to 19:00