2017-09-21 15:27

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-10-24 – 2018-02-15

Tikslas: ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.

Tinkami pareiškėjai: A competitive Consolidator Grant Principal Investigator must have already shown research independence and evidence of maturity, for example by having produced several important publications as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor. Applicant Principal Investigators should also be able to demonstrate a promising track record of early achievements appropriate to their research field and career stage, including significant publications (as main author) in major international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals, or in the leading international peer-reviewed journals of their respective field. They may also demonstrate a record of invited presentations in well-established international conferences, granted patents, awards, prizes etc. The Principal Investigator shall have been awarded their first PhD over 7 and up to 12 years prior to 1 January 2018.

Trukmė: up to 5 years

Biudžetas: up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 000

Finansuojamos visos mokslinių tyrimų sritys!

Kvietimo informacija: bus paskelbta Dalyvių portale (Participant Portal)

2018 m. darbo programa (+ reikalavimai pareiškėjams ir vertinimo kriterijai):




Daugiau galiojančių ir numatomų H2020 kvietimų


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Žemartas Budrys, tel. (8 5) 219 3298,  zemartas.budrys@cr.vu.lt ir

Anzelma Ūselienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7067, e. p. anzelma.useliene@cr.vu.lt.

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