
Spatially-resolved photoluminescence measurements by confocal microscope

Sukurta: 27 November 2018
Unit: Faculty of Physics
Keywords: Confocal microscope, spatially-resolved photoluminescence, semiconductors, semiconductor compounds

Confocal microscope is used to study spatial distribution of photoluminescence parameters. Confocal microscope enables to detected light emission only from the focal plane of the objective.

As result, the spatial resolution is improved and optical sectioning of the sample can be performed. A He-Cd laser (λexc=442 nm) or a laser diode (λexc=405 nm) can be used as photoluminesce excitation sources. Photoluminescence can be registered by photomultiplier tube or CCD camera.
The in-plane spatial resolution of confocal microscope is 250 nm, and 800 nm in plane perpendicular to the sample surface. The maximum area of single measurement is 80×80 µm2.
He-Cd laser (λexc=442 nm).
laser diode (λexc=405 nm).
Luminescence can be detected in 350-850 nm spectral range.
Objectives with high numerical aperture (NA) are available: 50× NA=0,55; 60× NA=0,8; 100× NA=0,9. All measurements are performed at room temperature.

Application. Measurements of semicondutor materials. Semiconductor and semiconductor compounds industry. 

Contacts: Dr. Gintautas Tamulaitis, tel. +37060034126,