X-ray diffraction (XRD) instrument MiniFlex II, Rigaku
Sukurta: 22 November 2018
- Unit: Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences
- Keywords: Determination of crystallographic structure (composition) of powder, X-ray diffraction instrument, XRD, Miniflex, Rigaku
- Responsible person: Simas Šakirzanovas, tel. +370 5 219 3190,
Diffraction (XRD) instrument i suitable for determination of the crystallographic structure (composition) of the powder.
Goniometer of diffractometer: Bragg-Brentan geometry with Cu Kα source. Sample holders: standard powder.
Main technical specifications:
X-ray source: copper anode (λ Cu Kα = 1.5418 Å), I = 15 mA (fixed), U = 30 kV (fixed). Goniometer radius: 150 mm. Measurement range (2θ) = +2° – +145°. Measurement speed from 0.01 to 100 °/min. Kβ filter: Ni. Soller slits: 5°. Detector: D-Tex Ultra. Automatic sample changer for six samples. Diameter of sample holders – 24 mm (round).